Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Leonardo Global Consulting UG
Am Dreschschopf 1
77815 Bühl

Mobil D: 0049 15209443904
Mobil IT: 0039 3661879500

Registergericht Mannheim
HRB 721690
Sitz: Am Dreschschopf 1, 77815 Bühl
Geschäftsführer: Johann und Valeria Burger
Ust-ID-Nr. DE298803367

Indications of the sources for the images and graphics used:
Johann Burger
Dr. Prabhat Poddar
S. Mitterstieler

Editorial staff, responsible for the contents:
Leonardo Global Consulting UG

Our website contains links to other pages for which Leonardo Global Consulting UG assumes no responsibility.

The documentation, images, trademarks and anything else published and reproduced on this website are, unless otherwise indicated by the rights of third parties, the exclucive propertx of Leonardo Global Consulting UG and the rules on the right of law apply to them author. It is forbidden to cpoy the content of this site or parts of it without the written authorization of Leonardo Global Consulting UG.