The Lecher Antenna was developed be physicist Reinhard Schneider and works on the „wavelength“ principle. Different radiations and objects can be determined with this radioaeshetic instrument. Each type of emission, such as lattice grids, water veins, electrosmog, etc., has ist own frequency. The wavelength can be identified with a special „slide“; the antenna resonates if it finds the corresponding frequency. The frequency is the measurable flow of electrical energy in a body. The physical principal here is based on a parallel wire system, which Heinrich Hertz had already used to determine the length of eletromagnetic waves. The antenna is named after the Austrian physicist Ernst Lechner (1856-1926). Electricity, for example, has a very high vibration frequency, which is not healthy for humans.
Yves Rocard (1903-1992) – a famous French physicist, for over 10 years he conducted various studies discovering that it is possible to use radioaesthetic tools (for example, dowsing, the Lecher Antenna, ect.) as tools with full scientific value. The scientist also discovered that in the birds’ eyebrows there are sun-sensitive magnetic cells that are used to orient themselves during flight. There is therefore a connection between the movement oft he sun and the magnetic cells of birds. In humans these magnetic cells can be found in the following regions of the body: eyebrows, elbows, knees. Magnetic cells deliver messeges to the brain when, for example, they are in a radiation field.