Burger company in Bühl / Moos
This building, which includes a factory with the production and warehouse area, offices and two apartments, was built in 2010 in an area previously verified and approved by architect Dr. Prabhat Poddar and designed by Karl Gufler, from the Burger construction company. The building was designed according to the principles of Vastu, using natural materials such as wood and glass. Currently, the building is leased to a company that successfully sells essential oils and natural personal care products all over the world.
Private home of the K. family – Karlsruhe (Germany)
In 2015 Johann and Valeria Burger, together with the clients’ architects, carried out the Vastu design of the K family’s new house. Prabhat Poddar intervened by surveying the land and localising lines of magnetic fields.
It has been very important for the clients to build their new house according to the principles of Vastu. Completion of the building was in 2017.