What is Vastu?

“Vastu” is the science of architecture that makes it possible to build spaces full of life that support people in the realization of their aspirations, be they material or spiritual. Vastu is a teaching that has very ancient roots.
The Staphatya Veda, or Vastu Vidya – the knowledge of healthy building and living in harmony – is one of the most important aspects of the Vedic culture of India that count can on millennia of constructive practice.
Vastu is to India as Zen is to Japan and Feng-Shui to China.
The ancient architects developed a series of parameters, structuring their workforce and their knowledge of architecture as “knowledge”.
The goal of Vastu is that a person who occupies a space can experience a spontaneous and lasting well-being and have support in the activities he conducts in that space.
In today’s world, in which architecture and construction also invariably tend towards utilitarianism and economic profit, holistic construction is becoming more relevant than ever, the aim of which is to harmonize the places of life and work with the surrounding world. , making contact with the energy of the cosmos.
Vedic architecture considers how our planet is subject to the influence of various energies: the rays of the sun, the moon, and other planets, but also magnetic, bioelectric and thermal fields, terrestrial emissions. The characteristics of the five elements are also taken into consideration: fire, water, earth, air and ether. Other elements also play an important role, such as the orientation of the building, the correct arrangement of the spaces, the masses, the proportions, the structure of the foundations.
Few know that Vitruvius, an architect of ancient Rome, had access to the knowledge of ancient Indian texts. All this ancient knowledge has poured into its buildings, which have become a model for architecture around the world. Knowledge that is also present in the great Gothic cathedrals and in the Renaissance buildings of Andrea Palladio. Today the time has come to bring this knowledge to light and make it available to improve the quality of life of contemporary man.
Prabhat’s decades-long research allows us, men of the West, to benefit from this knowledge.